Excellence in Research - Graduate Student Award

The purpose of this award is to honor graduate students serving in different research positions who have gone above and beyond their thesis. This can include their role as a mentor, lab manger and/or much more (self-nomination is allowed for this award). Please review the Terms of Reference BEFORE applying. https://gsa.ucalgary.ca/financial-support/awards/
Intake period: February 10 – February 21, 2025
Value: One (1) $500 CDN award

Anticipated Total

Anticipated total amount over the full term of this award.


Supplemental Questions
  1. Personal Statement (500 words) - Please provide a personal statement as to why you believe that you deserve this award. The statement should focus on your role in different research positions such as mentoring other graduate students, undergraduate students, interns, or excellence as a research assistant. Contribution must be beyond the graduate student thesis.
  2. Reference Letter 1 (max 1 page) - Please provide the name and email address of a person (not a relative) who can serve as a reference for you (examples: professor, supervisor, counselor, coach, mentor, spiritual leader, administrator).
  3. Reference Letter 2 (max 1 page) - Please provide the name and email address of a person (not a relative) who can serve as a reference for you (examples: professor, supervisor, counselor, coach, mentor, spiritual leader, administrator).